Common Commercial Door Installation Mistakes

21 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Commercial doors can improve the security of your building by limiting unauthorized success. Additionally, installing well-finished doors can improve your office's appearance. Nevertheless, proper door installation is paramount to ensure your door's functionality. In this regard, you should avoid door installation blunders at all costs. Here are common commercial door installation mistakes you shouldn't make.

Failing to Adhere to Building Codes

Different commercial building codes guide the door installation process. For instance, the codes guide on matters such as handle placement, operating force, and door orientation. However, you may accidentally install your commercial doors without following these codes.

You may experience legal problems in such cases as authorities usually inspect commercial buildings to check whether they meet the building code. Therefore, understand the local building codes you should follow to install your commercial doors appropriately. Meeting building regulations can help you avoid heavy fines and lawsuits.

Ignoring Your Door's Strength Prerequisites

Commercial doors are susceptible to wear and tear due to frequent usage. Hence, you require a door with incredible strength to ensure longevity. Choosing durable and robust door materials such as metal can help, but your budget may not allow you to purchase such doors. In such cases, you may go for cheaper options like softwood doors that may not last long. Instead of choosing materials with questionable strength-related properties to save money, buy strong doors from affordable dealers.

Also, you may not perform door trimmings correctly, affecting door strength. For instance, extensive fittings can weaken your door. In contrast, thin trimmings may cause gapping under the door, negatively impacting your door's aesthetics. While trimming helps achieve a perfect door fit, perform the procedure accordingly to avoid weakening your door.

Falling Short of the Swing Requirements

You may overlook the swing requirements during commercial door installation. This can cause door opening issues. Ideally, commercial spaces have multiple doors that should open flawlessly. 

Failure to account for your door's swing may cause different doors to collide, interfering with their operation. This may make some areas of your office, such as hallways, inaccessible, especially if your building is small. Thus, consider the door's arc and swing to determine how far the door will go. This way, you can allocate ample space to your doors, ensuring proper functionality.

The common mistakes to avoid when installing commercial doors include failing to adhere to building codes, falling short of your door's swing requirements, and ignoring your door's strength prerequisites. Avoid these blunders to ensure proper door installation. 

For more information, contact a commercial door company, such as Baltimore Door and Frame